Taxi industry ‘ready’ for influx of commuters

Taxi industry ‘ready’ for influx of commuters

The taxi industry says it’s prepared to for the influx of commuters as the country’s lockdown regulations are eased to level 3.

ladysmith taxi rank

A large portion of the economy is set to resume operations on Monday, with an increase in people expected in and out of taxis and other modes of public transport. 

Some eight million people are expected to return to work on Monday.


Basic Education pushes back school reopening by a week

Both grades will now only be back in class on June 8 and not June 1 as originally planned. Minister Angie Motshekga was expected to hold a media briefing on Sunday, but it was postponed to Monday. This after she met with teacher unions on Saturday which were adamant that too many schools are not properly equipped to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) says its all systems go for the industry.

“What is basically means for us is that we need to increase capacity and ensure that the management of the coronavirus plan on the ground remains effective,” says Santaco spokesperson Thabisho Mololekwa.

“We will just increase the allocation of people dealing ensuring that people can sanitized and the control of the influx is properly managed.”

The taxi industry has suffered a major blow since the national lockdown but Mololekwa says the industry is likely to bounce back.

“We are ready to deal with the situation.”

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