Tensions running high ahead of SONA 2017

Tensions running high ahead of SONA 2017

Tensions are already running high in Cape Town, ahead of President Jacob Zuma’s State of the Nation Address in Parliament tomorrow. 

Pro-Zuma supporters at Save SA presser
Photo: Slindelo Masikane

The Save South Africa group has made it clear that they want Zuma to go  - but not everyone shares their view.


As the mother city readies itself for all the pomp and ceremony, ordinary citizens are complaining about the state of the country. 


Various people attending a Save SA event decried the levels of corruption and indifference to the plight of the poor. 

ALSO READ: Government ready for SONA 2017


On the other end of the political spectrum, however, those in support of President Jacob Zuma are unhappy with the organisation’s tactics. 

Zuma supporters interrupted Save South Africa's press briefing, saying the obsession with the president is out of control.

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