TMPD warns of possible Fees march

TMPD warns of possible fees march

The Tshwane Metro Police Department has issued an official warning, of massive disruptions expected in the Pretoria CBD today. 

According to a statement by the TMPD, students will gather at Church Square at 8:00 this morning and march to the Union Buildings.

"The Tshwane Metro Police Department would like to warn members of the public about a possible "fees must fall' march tomorrow, Thursday 20 October 2016. The march is expected to start at 08:00 until 13:00; the students will possibly gather at Church Square and proceed to the Union buildings," the statement read.

Officials are expecting around 3000 students to participate in the march and say most streets in the CBD will be greatly affected.

ALSO READ: Students force Habib to leave gathering

"Motorists and members of the public who will be travelling to the CBD are advised to take extra precautionary measures," the statement concluded.

This while students are pushing ahead with their call for free higher education, amidst violent clashes between students, police officers and private security personnel.

The #FeesMustFall protests are continuing at universities across the country. 

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