Trevor Noah compares Donald Trump to Zuma

Trevor Noah compares Donald Trump to Zuma

Watch as Trevor Noah compares President Jacob Zuma to Donald Trump on The Daily Show. 

Trevor Noah Jabs at Zuma

The new Daily Show anchor, Trevor Noah, made a case on Thursday night that Donald Trump is ready for the White House.  


Noah compared Trump to several African Presidents, including South African President Jacob Zuma. 


He poked fun at Zuma, in what he calls, "light xenophobia, with a dash of diplomacy". 


Noah even went as far as to compare Trump to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and former President of Uganda, Idi Amin. 

Watch the video here...... 

Trevor Noah thinks Donald Trump might make for a better African leader than an American one.

Posted by The Daily Show on Friday, October 2, 2015

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