Trio crime combating successes based on community tip-offs

Trio crime combating successes based on community tip-offs

The police's Trio Crime Task Teams have been yielding significant results with 307 suspects having been arrested between June and August.


The task teams were set up to combat house robberies, business robberies and hijackings.

"We are hoping while moving forward that we are able to reduce aggrevated robberies significantly as this has been our problem area for a very long time now," says police spokesperson Vish Naidoo.

Apart from the arrests, the teams have also "confiscated 43 firearms, 209 rounds of ammunition, and recovered 88 stolen or hijacked vehicles".

But Naidoo explains, most of their successes is based on information they receive from the public.

"We have uncovered a chop shop in Mamelodi where several vehicles and vehicle parts belonging to stolen and highjacked had been recovered," says Naidoo, "and this is purely through information that we are receiving through communities."

In a statement, police called on members of the public to remain vigilant at all times and provide information through the Crime Stop number: 08600 10111.

"Callers may remain anonymous and all information will be treated with strictest confidence," reads the statement.

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