Two ATMs bombed in Temba

Two ATMs bombed overnight in Temba

Authorities are searching for eight suspects in connection with an ATM bombing at a city complex in Temba in Gauteng.


Police say two Standard Bank ATMs were blown up on Thursday night.

Gauteng police spokesperson Kay Makhubele says: It is alleged that about eight suspects entered the complex, ordered the security guards to lie down and bombed two Standard Bank ATMs."

An undisclosed amount of cash was stolen.

A case of ATM bombing and malicious damage to property is being investigated.

Police are urging anyone with information which could help with the investigation to come forward.

"We appeal to the members of the public to call with information so the suspects can be arrested."

Anyone with information can call Crime Stop on 08600 10111, SMS Crime Line on 32211 or contact their nearest police station.

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