UJ auditorium damaged by fire

UJ auditorium damaged by fire

The auditorium at the University of Johannesburg's (UJ) Bunting campus has been damaged by a fire on Thursday.

According to the university, the roof, projector and projector screen have been damaged.


The cause of the fire is being investigated.


A strong police presence remains on the campus, after violence erupted last night.


President Jacob Zuma has now called for calm and restraint at all higher education institutions in the country. 


The Presidency released a statement, saying the President is seriously disturbed by the violence. 


"We urge the students to exercise this right in a responsible manner. They must respect law enforcement officers. They must also respect the rights of others who are not taking part in the protests. We have also directed members of the South African Police Service to act strictly within the confines of the law and the Constitution as they discharge their duties of ensuring the safety and security of all as well as protecting lives and property," the statement read. 

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