UN Security Council to meet Monday on N.Korea nuclear test

UN Security Council to meet Monday on N.Korea nuclear test

The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss an international response to North Korea's latest nuclear test, diplomats said Sunday.

UN Security Council

The United States, Britain, France, Japan and South Korea requested the urgent meeting, to be held at 10 am (1400 GMT), the US mission said in a statement.

The council will meet in an open session, in contrast to many other meetings on North Korea that have been held behind closed doors.

North Korea on Sunday detonated what it described as a hydrogen bomb designed for a long-range missile, calling the test "a perfect success." 

The underground blast was North Korea's sixth nuclear test, in defiance of UN resolutions that prohibit Pyongyang from pursuing nuclear and missile programs.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres earlier condemned the nuclear test as "profoundly destabilizing" for regional security and again urged Pyongyang to halt such acts.

"This act is yet another serious breach of the DPRK’s international obligations and undermines international non-proliferation and disarmament efforts," Guterres said in a statement, referring to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

"This act is also profoundly destabilizing for regional security. The DPRK is the only country that continues to break the norm against nuclear test explosions."

Guterres called on Pyongyang to "cease such acts and to comply fully with its international obligations."

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