Unions to meet with education department over national assessments

Unions to meet with education department over national assessments

The National Professional Teachers' Organisation of South Africa (Naptosa) says principals of unions will be meeting with the Education Department in two weeks, for discussions around the annual national assessments. 

classroom school_jacanews
Photo: Pieter van der Merwe, JacarandaFM News

Several unions - including Naptosa, Sadtu and Natu - boycotted the assessments last year.

They argued that the annual assessments were no longer serving their purpose, and should be scrapped. 

Speaking yesterday on day one of the Naptosa Provincial Congress in Durban, Executive Director Basil Manuel said the task team established by the department and unions - have almost concluded their work.

"We've gone way down the line. And there are still points at which we are sticking. But we have already agreed to some substantial issues. If we conclude an agreement in this year, then next year we will see it happening. It's certainly not being put-off for another year - we have to conclude on it."

Manuel also spoke out about the lack of teacher support by the education department, and the dire need for the current education system to be fixed - from a national level.

The congress concludes today.

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