US ambassador Lana Marks lauds SA health workers after Covid-19 battle

US ambassador Lana Marks lauds SA health workers after Covid-19 battle

United States ambassador to South Africa Lana Marks has praised South African doctors and health workers after spending ten days in an ICU due to Covid-19.

Lana Marks
Supplied/ Lana Marks

Marks is recovering from home after she has admitted to hospital on December 28 with shortness of breath and extreme weakness.


"My condition is improving, and the doctors are confident that I will eventually make a full recovery. This is a tremendously serious and unpredictable illness, and it has been the most physically debilitating thing that I have ever experienced in my entire life,” Marks said in a statement on Monday.

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"I will forever be grateful for the excellent level of care that I received from the South African doctors and nurses who tended to me in the hospital. I am just one of tens of thousands of Covid-19 patients that South Africa’s health care workers and hospitals have treated with the utmost professionalism, putting their own lives at risk in order to practice their calling.”


She has urged South Africans to follow all Covid-19 protocols.


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