ANCYL: We will defend ANC through blood and iron

ANCYL: We will defend ANC through blood and iron

The ANC Youth League in Limpopo has welcomed the decisions of the ANC National Working Committee (NWC) to rally behind President Jacob Zuma.

ANCYL congress
Gallo Images

The NWC came out in support of unity within the ruling party, following speculation of a possible split within the ruling party.

"We applaud the decisions taken during this difficult period in the movement," the ANCYL says in a statement.

"We will act united against the external forces that are intended to divide the ANC and the country," the ANCYL says.

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They also commended President Jacob Zuma for his efforts towards radical economic transformation in the country as well as within party ranks.

"The President is leading the train. We commend his agility and ability to effect change and he must continue to do so at all levels of government if economic freedom in our lifetime is to be realized" says ANCYL Provincial Secretary Che Selane.

He also lashed out at recent remarks against the President, saying that Zuma must continue to save the ANC against "political hyenas" who are "agents of monopoly capital."

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