Western Cape: 10 days, 10 000 arrests

Western Cape: 10 days, 10 000 arrests

The first 10 days of the festive season in the Western Cape have seen a staggering number of people arrested.

Cape Town
Getty Images

In the first 10 days of the festive season, at least 10 000 Western Cape residents were taken into custody by the province's police.

That means an average of a thousand people have been arrested for various offences, each day since December 15th.

The men and women in blue have been on high alert for violent crimes like armed robberies, assaults and murders.

They say they've held over a hundred roadblocks, seizing large hauls of drugs, guns and stolen goods.

Police spokesperson, Brigadier Novela Potelwa says their biggest concern remains crimes committed against women and children.

On Boxing Day, the body of a 19-year-old woman was found dumped in Bishop Lavis, while a dead child was discovered near Blue Downs.

"We are also bothered by the number of minor children involved in criminal acts," says Potelwa. "Constant engagement with the department of social development and others within the criminal justice cluster continue on an ongoing basis."

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