Witness contradicts Oscar

Witness contradicts Oscar

Forensic Geologist Roger Dixon's time on the stand during cross-examination in the Oscar Pistorius trial has been has not been a pleasant one.


Advocate Gerrie Nel, has questioned Dixon's nature as an expert witness several times thus undermining his credibility.

Such a time came when on Day 25, Mr Dixon used a person "for demonstration purposes" who is 20cm shorter than Pistorius.

Nel questioned why the witness did not ensure that the person is the exact height as Mr Pistorius?


Nel: Why did you not make sure that the person is the exact height as Mr Pistorius? Why?

Dixon: The photograph was taken "for demonstration purposes". I am not trying to mislead the court, My Lady... I am not suggesting that Mr Pistorius is the same height as the man on his knees in the photograph."



Futhermore, Dixon, in his testimony contradicted the evidence of the accused (Oscar Pistorius). 

He states that according to his findings a magazine rack was right where Reeva Steenkamp fell and died.

However, Pistorius told the court that the magazine rack was not at that spot when he broke down the door to get to Steenkamp's body.


Nel: From that position she must have then fallen forward towards the toilet bowl?

Dixon: That is my interpretation my lady.

Nel: Then one would expect the rack to be there?

Dixon: The accused said to this court it definitely wasn't there, are you now giving a version that is against the accused's version.



As the cross-examination continued, Dixon made a statement suggesting that he spoke to the defence during his time on the stand.

However, in South African law, it is illegal for a witness to communicate with the defence during his time on the stand.


Nel: Ma lady I want to know how HE (the witness) would know that the photographs were made available to us?


-JacaNews / Lonwabo Miso


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