Zondo Commission is the TRC but for corruption – political analyst

Zondo Commission is the TRC but for corruption – political analyst

President Cyril Ramaphosa is set to receive the first part of the report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption, and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State on Tuesday.  

Raymond Zondo
Video screenshot

This follows Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo announcing in December that the reports will be released in three parts.  


“The first report will set the scene for what is coming at a later stage. I think it will be important for the country as a whole and for President Ramaphosa also because it’s a presidential request that this investigation takes place,” says political analyst Dirk Kotze 


Kotze says the Zondo Commission can be seen as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) but for corruption.  


“I think what it is, it is, therefore, a conclusion of a period of where there was exposure and revelations about what happened under what we call state capture, it gave the public, in general, a lot of more information to understand the nature and extent of corruption and also strengthens those who fight against corruption.  


“And there is a public understanding of what is required. It’s going to be regarded as a milestone in future similar to the TRC of how the public has become informed and involved on major aspects of government business.” 


He adds that the president’s stance on eliminating corruption will strengthen once the report is released 


The handover of the first part of the report will take place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria at 15h30 on Tuesday, 4 January. 


The second part is anticipated to be handed over at the end of January 2022, and the final part at the end of February 2022. 


Tuesday’s handover will be streamed live on the Presidency’s digital platforms.  


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