Zuma has insulted the entire judiciary, Zondo commission tells ConCourt

Zuma has insulted the entire judiciary, Zondo commission tells ConCourt

The commission of inquiry into state capture has told the Constitutional Court that former president Jacob Zuma’s defiance is a slap in the face of the entire judiciary.

Justice Zondo

The commission wants the former president to be slapped with a two-year prison sentence by the Constitutional Court for his refusal to attend testify. His defiance comes in spite of an earlier ruling by the apex court ordering him to attend the hearings and give testimony. Zuma, who has been implicated by some 40 witnesses, is demanding the recusal of the commission’s chair, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

 The commission believes a jail term will be the best form of recourse in the matter.

 In its latest application to the Constitutional Court, the commission said Zuma’s defiance of the court's order for him to appear is an insult to the entire judiciary. 

 "It is clear from the context of a number of Mr. Zuma’s insults that they were specifically directed at this Court and the Commission,” the commission said in court papers.

 “But it is also clear that some of them were insults more broadly of the judiciary as a whole.”

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 The commission referred to a statement Zuma made on his decision not to appear before the commission

 "It has become clear to me “that I will never get justice before some of the current crop of our judges in their quest to raise their hands to seek political acceptance at my expense.” 

 The commission has maintained that if Zuma's conduct is allowed to continue with impunity it will be a threat to the rule of law and the constitution.

 The commission also fears his conduct will highly likely influence others to do the same.

 Zuma and his lawyers have not submitted opposing affidavits nor have they given an indication whether he will abide by the court order and appear before the commission. 

 The court is scheduled to hear the matter on March 25.

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