Zweli Mkhize: ANC unity is key

Zweli Mkhize: ANC unity is key

ANC Treasurer General Zweli Mkhize has warned party MP's not to vote with the opposition during the upcoming motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma in Parliament. 

Zweli Mkhize speaks about unity within the ANC

In a wide-ranging interview with Jacaranda FM News, Mkhize said some opposition parties, like the Democratic Alliance (DA), have in the past suspended members for voting with other parties. Yet now, they are calling on ANC members to do exactly that.


Mkhize said if the country's electoral system changed to a constituency-based system, MP's would be free to vote with their consciences. But for now, party unity is paramount. 


He said the ANC's National Executive Committee (NEC) debated the matter extensively in December and decided that President Zuma must stay on. 

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