Are you sticking to your New Years resloutions?

Are you sticking to your New Years resloutions?

Can you imagine if resolutions were reversed?

no resolutions.jpg

The new year always brings a sense of renewal, renewed vigor, and a new lease on life, but for many, the healthy honeymoon only lasts so long.

We are 17 days into the new year, and we ask who is sticking to their resolutions? 

Just imagine how much easier resolutions might be if the idea of being better or more healthy was put on its head!

The folks at The Flip Side decided to to illustrate this for us in a series of funny skits. Perhaps we should just stick to the diets!


Resolutions - The Flip Side


Speaking of getting healthy and fit for the new year, and flipping things around a bit, can you imagine what it would be like if the typical male/female roles at gym were reversed, what things might be like?


What If Guys and Girls Switched Roles in the Gym - The Flip Side

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