Arod's Small Tip

Arod's Small Tip

Do you REALLY know how to use a scale?


If you have a scale at home.. Please do me a favour.. DONT USE IT UNTIL YOU KNOW HOW!! The amount of times I've had a colleague or family member say "oh my goodness ive lost 3 kilos in the last week'. Its absolute rubbish, and my question EVERY SINGLE TIME... What have you lost? Fat? Muscle? Water?  Your most accurate reading will be first thing in the morning, yet saying that it also depends on your sleep, whether you woke up in the night, did you snack, when last have you had a drink of water etc etc.. Water, muscle and Fat each have a completely different weight so my suggestion for you to be on your way to looking and feeling better and to start SEEing yes I said SEEING the results is to pop over to your local gym and speak to a personal trainer about measuring your body fat. Yes ladies you might not find it easy to do this, but I can guarantee once you know where you are you can set an achievable goal!

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