Arod's Small Tip - Video

Arod's Small Tip - Video

Arod's bringing sexy 'back'...



Today I give you more than bargained for!

One tip with two ways to exercise your back.

Exercise number 1: First off grab 2 dumbells (make sure they are light enough) Then lie on the floor face down arms straight about your head (think of doing Freestyle in the pool) grab the weights then lift up your right arm and left leg, then left arm and right leg.. This counts as 1! Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Exercise number 2: Are called rows because Yes it looks like you are rowing! Stand up, lean forward by placing your left hand on your left thigh then grab the dumbbell and pull the dumbbell up to your middle and back down again. This is one rep. Do this between 12-15 per arm. erIt focuses on the lateral muscles on the side of your back. If you have the option to get to a gym, do this on a bench and you will be able to up the weight quite a bit more!

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