Chuck Norris' epic splits comeback video

Chuck Norris' epic splits comeback video

A Chuck Norris comeback video to Jean-Claude Van Damme's epic leg splits video has been released. Here's your Merry Christmas LOL moment for the day!

Who could forget Jean-Claude Van Damme's incredible splits stunt between two trucks - released last month?
Well, apparently not Chuck Norris. 
He's topped the stunt, appearing between the wing tips of two jets, with 11 soldiers balancing on his head...doing the splits. 
Mashable reports that the holiday video was put together by Hungarian animation firm Delov Digital.
Titled Greetings from Chuck (The epic christmas split), it features words from Shakespeare's Hamlet
It's apparently not clear if Norris worked with the firm on the stunt. 
Here's Jean-Claude Van Damme's epic leg splits video that he did for Volvo. It was released in November this year. (This one was real) 
Yesterday, Jean-Claude Van Damme posted this photo on his Facebook page, with the caption: #JCVD #TheEpicSplit(s). 

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