FML - Find Me Love

FML - Find Me Love

Meet Louise!

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Louise joined us for FML - Find Me Love on MBD this afternoon, getns, what a catch!

Here is the email that Louise sent us - 

Hey there,

This will be interesting to try explain who I am and how I came to be here ...grab a coffee.

Ok maybe just the nutshell version.


So I am a strong independent woman , who likes having fun and just being out right silly. I love the outdoors and enjoy training for the zombie apocalypse. I really do enjoy trying most things in life , so I have many hobbies , I don't do them all at the same time but get around to them when the time opens up. I would like to spend the next few years traveling and having all types of adventures, if you aren't doing something different you aren't living life .

What brings me here:

Well now that would be a long story, I was married , but 80% was a long distance relationship (now that's a coffee story)


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