MBD 'Let's Give Kili Horns' Telethon!

MBD 'Let's Give Kili Horns' Telethon!

3 Hour Telethon Raises R333 111.00!


On Monday 15th July 2013, we held a telethon, with the public able to pledge any amount at all, and add to our total for the MBD Let's Give Kili Horn's Campaign.

We were joined by some of SA's most influencial musicians & sportsmen, as well as Jacaranda FM's Riaan Van Heerden from the Complimentary Breakfast and Barney Simon from The Workzone to lend a helping hand and man the phones. To date we have raised over R1.5 million for rhino!

The telethon team manage to catch a moment to pose for a pic during the first hour

The telethon team celebrates after reaching the massive total!

Martin Bester with all of the generous corporate sponsors, when we revealed the flag that would be summiting Kilimanjaro with Arod!

Pierre Spies lended a helping hand, and chatted to MBD about the weekends Super Rugby upset between the Bulls and WP


Ross Learmonth from Prime Circle also joined us, and told MBD all about their recent tour of Germanby with 3 Doors Down!


The final moment of the show, with the full tally of the amount raised to date!

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