Bodybuilder casually lifts and moves car blocking driveway

Bodybuilder casually lifts and moves car blocking driveway

Don't we all wish we had enough muscles to simply pick up a car and move it, like this guy?

bodybuilder moving car image parking

A man has been recorded on camera picking up and moving an entire car after it was found blocking his aunt's driveway. 

Say what?! Well, it's true and the video is incredible! 

Ever been blocked in a parking by someone else's car and just wished that you could move it with your own bare hands? Well, this guy did just that! 

Twenty-three-year-old Hakan, who gets called 'The Tulk' - which is short for Turkish Hulk, got tired of his aunt Abi Mustafa's ongoing parking lot row with her neighbours, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Watch the incredible moment below:

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