Did Martin and Tumi just give away a big clue for their R100k secret sound?

Did Martin and Tumi just give away a big clue for their R100k secret sound?

What would you do with Martin and Tumi's whopping R100,000? 

secret sound image martin and tumi

How would you spend R100,000? 

Well, #JacaBreakfast's Martin Bester and Tumi Morake are giving you the opportunity to pocket the cash in the 'Secret Sound'. 

With so many guesses already sent in through SMS on 37942, none of them have been the correct answer... yet. 

It's clear that the sound is not anything to do with an ashtray, a coin dropping into a glass or a pinball machine.

Do you think you know what the sound below is? Take a listen to the below clue: 

After hearing Tumi's clue in the above clip, we are convinced that someone is bound to win their R100,000 soon! 

Please note: SMSs are charged at R1,50. 

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