Piers Morgan questions Mariah Carey about Las Vegas massacre on live TV

Piers Morgan questions Mariah Carey about Las Vegas massacre on live TV

Piers Morgan threw Mariah Carey under the bus by asking for her comment on the Las Vegas massacre during a live television broadcast.

Mariah Carey image reacts to piers morgan

Piers Morgan has no chill.

Mariah Carey made an appearance on 'Good Morning Britain' just a few moments after the Las Vegas massacre, and host Piers Morgan asked her about it live on air. 

Morgan asked Carey for her reaction to the shooting and one can easily see that she is completely caught off-guard. 

“It’s terrible. People are just going out to listen to music because that’s what they want to do. They’re out for the night, and something shocking happens. Nobody could have expected it, and it’s just wrong. I really don’t know what to say,” Mariah responded.

After the interview aired, Morgan was slammed on social media. 

Morgan has since commented on the matter:

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