Good Morning Angels - How it works
Updated | By Bronwyn Hardick

Good Morning Angels has been a feature on Jacaranda FM breakfast, on Wednesday mornings, for the past nine years. It's become part of our lives in one way or another. The idea is simple: We invite people to send us requests to [email protected] for help on behalf of people in need - the first Angel. Then, we try to find a sponsor who can help - the second. If we succeed, we bring the sponsor and the recipient together. In this way we can use our platform on a Wednesday morning, to help. The point of Good Morning Angels is simple: to help, inspire, make the world around us a better place.
Making sure that Good Morning Angels achieves this simple goal is however not so simple. It involves careful management and maintenance to make sure that we do it right. Requests are considered and vetted carefully with the sponsors. We receive thousands of emails from all kinds of people, with different kinds of requests. We also receive offers of help - not nearly enough to answer all the needs, but a steady stream nonetheless. We try to cover as wide a range of needs as possible for people who do not have any other way of finding help. We focus on individuals in need, but also those who in their way, help others on a daily basis. We want to support people who have tried and need just that little bit of extra help. We help young and old as far as we can.
However, there are limits to what we can do, as we are dependent on sponsors, the number of weeks in a year and the fact that the need always outweighs the help. Our aim is to set an example, so that others can do the same, in their own way, in their own communities.
Individual members of the Complimentary Breakfast and Jacaranda FM team cannot answer requests sent to our personal email, on the phone or in person. No individual employee has access or influence on who sponsors will help. All requests are subjected to the same process.
If you would like to send in a request, we urge you to send it to [email protected] or fill in the submission form here. We need a brief background of the situation, why the person/people need help, the kind of help requested including the cost, your contact details and that of the recipient you are making the request for. It would also help if you could include the names and numbers of people who can provide supportive information. You will receive this automatic response to you email.
Thank you for submitting your request to Good Morning Angels. We will do our best to find a suitable sponsor to help your nominated recipient. We will contact you as soon as we have been successful. If not, please understand that Good Morning Angels help out where we can and cannot guarantee when or if your nominee will be chosen. All the best - The Good Morning Angels team.
Dankie dat jy jou versoek aan Good Morning Angels gestuur het. Ons sal ons bes doen om 'n geskikte borg vir jou genomineerde ontvanger te vind. Ons sal met jou in verbinding tree, sodra ons suksesvol is. Indien nie, verstaan asseblief dat Good Morning Angels help waar moontlik en ongelukkig nie kan waarborg wanneer, indien wel, jou nominasie gekies sal word nie. Alles van die beste - Die Good Morning Angels Span.
Offers to help:
We cannot thank sponsors enough - we cannot do Good Morning Angels without you.
If you would like to offer help, please send an email to [email protected] - with the word "OFFER" in the subject line. This would make it easier for us to distinguish your email from those sent with requests. Please provide details of the offer and also give us an indication of the kinds of requests you would prefer to answer to.
We can unfortunately not redistribute second hand goods or keep supplies. We encourage you to find another way of passing that on to fulfill a need.
If you would like to raise funds and would like Good Morning Angels to find recipients for those funds, after your fundraiser, we would gladly do that.
We can however not allow Good Morning Angels to be used in the advertising of your event, or allow fund raising on behalf of Good Morning Angels, as we cannot be directly involved in the planning and accounting of events outside of Jacaranda FM.
We ask you to support our annual fundraiser with you attendance, sponsorships and contributions. All funds raised go into the Good Morning Angels Fund for distribution to help those in need.
Thank you for supporting Good Morning Angels!
The GMA Team
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