On average you only have 9 years of life.

On average you only have 9 years of life.

Time. The most priceless thing we have and the one thing we can't get more of. And yet wastse it. 

Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty The Millennial Monk / Facebook

People don't waste our time, we do. And we can never get it back. 

Watch: Man with only one arm wont let that stop him bodybuilding!

This video will make you think twice about how you spend your 9 years. 9 years, that's it! 

Jay Shetty, the Millenial monk explains: 

Right at the end of the video, Jay quotes William Shakespeare - "Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity." And I couldn't agree more. 

Is this the best speech you will ever hear?

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