Do you really need a DNA test?

Do you really need a DNA test?

DNA testing is all the rage at the moment, but is this a fad or is this really worth the money?

Gerald Altman | Pixabay

I asked Rylin Jansen,  BSc(Hons), HPCSA-accredited Medical Scientist and Laboratory Scientist at SRT Department of Genetics, who specialises in breaking down DNA tests for people!

Also listen to: Joan Armatrading has a new album!

Now, we've all heard the claims! Stronger, faster, better sleep, lose weight, fight disease.. The list is endless, but can a home swab of the inside of your cheek really tell you how to eat, sleep, and train to be a better you? 

Rylin says both yes and no! Listen here:

Supplied | Mandy Roff

Another great podcast: Martis is keeping it real!

I think whatever you decide to do, and whichever test you decide to take, take the information on board and make the necessary life changes, but don't allow it to be the be all and end all! 

Catch up with Danny's XOTV show and Jacpod Podcast 'The Danny Painter' Show here:

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