Mack wants to know if non-smokers deserve extra leave?

Mack wants to know if non-smokers deserve extra leave?

Do you think you deserve more leave from work if you do not smoke?

Mack work zone
Jacaranda FM

A Japanese company has made headlines after it announced that non-smokers would be granted six days extra of holiday.

This is an act of compensation towards those who are not taking breaks during work to smoke. 

Piala Inc, a marketing firm, introduced the additional paid leave in September.

It comes after months of complaints from non-smokers that smokers got away with doing less work.

You would think that smoking breaks don't take that long, but for this Japanese company it's a different story. This Tokyo-based firm which is said to operate from the 29th floor of an office building. According to staff, this can make the cigarette breaks last up to 15 minutes.

What are your thoughts on this decision? 

Do you think non-smokers deserve the six days extra of leave?

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