#MondayMotivation: Never Give Up

#MondayMotivation: Never Give Up

Imagine if everyone who ever encountered problems in life chose to give up. Just like that. Because life is challenging - what kind of world would we have? One lacking in excitement, innovation, no moves to try new things. Learn how not to give up by watching this video.

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines the concept 'to give up' (transitive verb) as: 

  • 1
    :  to yield control or possession of :  surrender <forced to give up his job>

  • 2
    :  to desist from :  abandon <refused to give up her efforts>

  • 3
    :  to declare incurable or insoluble

  • 4
    a :  to abandon (oneself) to a particular feeling, influence, or activity <gave himself up to despair>
    b :  to devote to a particular purpose or use

Imagine if we all chose to abandon things. Chose to abandon people. Chose to abandon our dreams - what kind of world would that be?

Get your #MondayMotivation fix with Bridget and choose not to give up. Here's why: 

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