Protect young women from the negative effects of TikTok use

Protect young women from the negative effects of TikTok use

A recent study revealed that TikTok usage negatively affects young woman.

body dysmorphia

A study published in the journal Body Image revealed some shocking relationships between using the platform and body image.

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TikTok’s biggest user base is that of Gen Z (16 to 24 years of age), which makes up around 40% of all users.

The study population consisted of 778 white, heterosexual university-aged females who use the platform.

The survey measured the relationships between TikTok usage and upward appearance comparison, body surveillance, body dissatisfaction, exposure to body positive media, social media literacy, and demographic information.

The results showed that TikTok use is positively associated with body dissatisfaction, which is detrimental to body image.

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So, if you wish to protect yourself or your daughters from negative body image, then limiting TikTok use may be beneficial.

Image: iStock

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