Recipe of the day: Super sinus juice

Recipe of the day: Super sinus juice

Struggling with sinuses? You can clear them with this simple recipe. 

Orange and Carrot Juice

The hero of the day is the orange.

A lot of nasal and sinus issues come from sensitivities to chemicals in the environment or home space (perfumes, shampoos, cleaners, etc.), or food such as animal products (meat, eggs, and dairy) or wheat, sugar, and processed/refined foods.

READ: Recipe: Anti-ageing beetroot smoothie

Rich in raw ginger, antioxidants like vitamin C, this Super Sinus Juice will stimulate your taste buds and give your immune system a healthy boost. A bold dose of ginger is sure to give you that warm ginger buzz. 


  • 1 peeled carrot
  • 1 orange
  • Half green apple
  • Ginger and enough water, make sure you blend until smooth.

This juice is full of anti-inflammatories that help open the airways and clear mucus from the sinus cavities. It is also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and crucial phytonutrients to maintain overall good health.

Watch the video below.

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