This sea of plastic has left Mack outraged

This sea of plastic has left Mack outraged

Absolutely shocking photos have emerged of a sea full of plastic. Disgraceful!

Facebook/Caroline Power

We have been lucky enough to enjoy some of the beautiful wonders of the world. However, if we keep harming our environment, our kids may not be as lucky.

An ocean photographer, Caroline Power, recently uploaded shocking photos to Facebook of a 'sea of plastic' and captioned it as "THIS HAS TO STOP".

She went on to say: "Think about your daily lives. How did you take your food to go last time you ate out? How was your last street food served? Chances are it was styrofoam and served with a plastic fork and then put in a plastic bag. Do you still use plastic garbage bags? Plastic soda bottles? Ziplock bags? Plastic wrap on your food?

"Do you buy toilet paper that comes wrapped in plastic instead of paper? Do you put your fruit and veggies in produce bags at the grocery?"

ALSO READ: Is this South Africa's fastest recycling trolley?

I challenge every person and every business to keep your trash for one week. Separate your organic and recyclables and keep everything else for one week. You will be disgusted at how many single-use items you use."

Are you recycling?

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