This is what happened when a mother went on strike from household chores

This is what happened when a mother went on strike from household chores

Calling all mothers - this is something you should look into... if you have the patience, that is.

mom strikes

Sometimes moms really just need some extra help around the house, but when that doesn't happen, they have to get tough in one way or another.

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Which is exactly what one mother did. She decided to do something about it, or should we say, she actually did nothing at all...

Going by the Twitter handle, MISS POTKIN, a mom has detailed what happened when she went on strike from all her normal house chores; the dishes, doing the laundry, changing the toilet rolls...

"Two days ago, I decided to stop doing the dishes. I make all the dinners and I am tired of having to do all the cleaning too. SINCE THEN this pile has appeared and at some point, they are going to run out of spoons and cups and plates," MISS POTKIN wrote on Twitter.

Three days later no one in her family had said anything about the big pile of dirty dishes - yet her strike continued. 

MISS POTKINS' Twitter page has attracted the attention of many fellow moms who applauded her for her persistence - even refusing to do the laundry.

Thankfully, the whole journey has been well documented and it is both hilarious and painfully relatable. Click on the tweet below to read her full thread.

Cover image courtesy of Twitter

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