Curro Schools donate 1 500 face shields for frontline health care workers on the Scenic Drive

Curro Schools donate 1 500 face shields for frontline health care workers on the Scenic Drive

Curro Schools donated 1 500 face shields to the Scenic Drive to distribute to frontline health care workers in Gauteng. 

Curro holdings wall Roodeport

After the outbreak of COVID-19 there has been a worldwide shortage of masks and gloves for medical workers. 

In response to this, the Scenic Drive launched the #ScenicDriveMasks Drive, a campaign that set out to collect and donate masks and gloves to those who really need it. Rian van Heerden, with the help of his friend (detective/tv?) Mike Bolhuis, asked listeners to do their part for health workers..

In just two days we received: 2444 surgical masks, 751: very rare N95 masks and 1905: pairs of gloves.

A big thanks to Ruaan Louw from Idexis. Louw donated: 1000 surgical masks, 720 N95 masks and 1000 pairs of gloves. Churchill International Express will be delivering these items to the recipients.

That’s not all...

On Monday, Curro Schools heard of our drive - and decided to donate 1 500 face shields for frontline health care workers in Gauteng!

"We make our own face shields. The face shields will be ready on Friday. Everyone is involved in this project." 

These will now be donated to frontline health workers in Gauteng where the need is currently the greatest.

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