Do not try 'barefoot waterskiing' at home

Do not try 'barefoot waterskiing' at home

Waterskiing can be a fun family sport, but there are certain tricks that no one should ever try out on open water. 

waterskiing with helicopter
waterskiing with helicopter/Pixabay/12019 10268 images

The best thing about warm weather is the long list of fun water-based activities that you can indulge in. Sailing, surfing or just plain swimming can be very entertaining and, if you are a daredevil, you can take on the various forms of skiing. 

Something such as "barefoot waterskiing". Yes, waterskiing has just been taken to the next level. Unfortunately, not everyone is cut out for this innovative sport

One woman's attempt at "standing up" on the water and letting the ski guide her ended with her losing her grip on the ropes and being shot back into the lake. 

Fortunately, the woman did not crash into the boat. 

This goes to show: just because it is recognised as an official sport, that doesn't mean you have to do it. 

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