Flight passenger uses overhead vents to dry underwear

Flight passenger uses overhead vents to dry underwear

Could this be the worst flight passenger ever? A woman on a Ural Airlines flight spent 20 minutes holding a pair of underwear up to the air vents to dry it.

airline passenger
Youtube/Viral Hog

Passengers on a Ural Airlines flight from Antalya, Turkey to Moscow Russia watched as an unnamed woman spent 20 minutes drying her underwear on the overhead air vents. 
Eyewitnesses say other passengers were shocked by the woman's behaviour but did not speak up about it.

ALSO READ: Chinese woman climbs through train station X-ray machine

In what situation would you need to do something like this while you were on a flight?

The woman was reportedly not embarrassed at all by her actions and flight attendants made no effort to stop her. Social media users have speculated that the underwear may have been that of her child, but does that make this behaviour any less bizarre?

What is the strangest thing a fellow passenger has ever done on a flight you took?

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