Man obliviously scrolls through phone during armed robbery

Man obliviously scrolls through phone during armed robbery

A man in Brazil was so engrossed in his phone that he completely missed the armed robbery that was happening right under his nose. 

New York Post screenshot

Patrons at a bar in Minas Gerais, Brazil immediately hit the floor when an armed man walked in and shouted "robbery!" All except one of the people in 46-year-old Beatriz Maria dos Santos Barbosa's establishment stayed still and quiet while the man walked towards the cash register.
The man, who has since been identified as Jose Carlos Almeida, continued to casually scroll through his phone while the robbery was taking place. 

The frown on his face indicates that the conversation he is having is very intense. So intense that he can't even lift his head to take note of what is happening around him. 

The robber left with a cell phone, some documents and $55, while de Almeida remained oblivious the entire time. Speaking to local news after the incident, the 36-year-old said: "'I did not really see anything. The sound was loud and I did not realize that the bar was being robbed. I'm glad I did not because I don't know what my reaction would [have been]. And it's good that the thief did not take my cell phone, which cost me $700."

Is there anything that would keep you so engrossed in your phone that you wouldn't notice a crime being committed?

Image:  New York Post Video

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