Proof that parents will never understand memes

Proof that parents will never understand memes

Everyone knows that the minute you have to explain a joke to someone, you miss the whole point. 

dad reads memes
Twitter/Drew Tarver

Kids these days have taken internet jokes to a whole new level. Where a well-placed winking face or a quirky chain message would do, they have introduced memes and animal filters. How can any parent keep up with all these developments?

In an attempt to understand what was so fascinating about memes, comedian Drew Tarver's father read through some of Drew's favourite internet jokes. 

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While it doesn't appear that he is any closer to understanding memes, it is funny to listen to him read the jokes in a deadpan tone:

Who would even think that any of these are funny, you ask?

Well, the truth is nobody knows - but it's provocative.

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