Stoof & Stoffel's "Ys, Ys, Baba" is a classic in its own right

Stoof & Stoffel's "Ys, Ys, Baba" is a classic in its own right

Comedic duo Stoof & Stoffel made a splash with their Afrikaans version of Vanilla Ice's 90s hit, "Ice Ice Baby". Rian van Heerden shares the video to end your night off on a high note. 

stoof and stoffel
Youtube screenshot

If there is one song that will always make the list of memorable one-hit wonders, it's "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice. 

So strong is the hip-hop song's resonance, that people all over the world have memorised the lyrics - and some comedians have even made parodies of the hit. 

Afrikaans comedians Stoof & Stoffel translated the lyrics of the song, and even went as far as shooting their own music video. 

Three years later, and this is still a classic in its own right. 

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