When was the last time you visited Pretoria Zoo?

When was the last time you visited Pretoria Zoo?

A day out at the National Zoological Gardens (more commonly known as Pretoria Zoo) is guaranteed to be lots of fun - and you can learn a lot, too.

pangolin pta zoo
Jacaranda FM/A division of the Pretoria Zoo is doing studies on Pangolins

Anyone with a keen interest in animals knows that it is not just the live specimens that are worth a look, but those that have been preserved for science as well. 

The people from the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria were gracious enough to bring a few animal foetuses to the Scenic Drive. There is a lot to be learned from studying an animal in this state. 

Zoo Foetus one
Jacaranda FM/MorneJK/The foetus of a well-known type of buck.
Zoo Foetus two
Jacaranda FM/MorneJK/The zoo has preserved the foetus of a porcupine.

The selection of reptiles at the Pretoria Zoo is also impressive. The crew brought a bearded dragon and lizard to the studio. The bearded dragon turned out to be quite photogenic, but the poor baby hedgehog was shy.

bearded dragon pta zoo
Jacaranda FM/A bearded dragon from Pretoria Zoo
baby hedgehog pta
Jacaranda FM/A baby hedgehog that the Pretoria Zoo adopted.

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