Blitzbok's Chris Dry pulls epic prank on Martin Bester

Blitzbok's Chris Dry pulls epic prank on Martin Bester

Chris Dry might just have a new career waiting for him after rugby... 

jacaranda fm blitzboks image prank

If there is one thing we all love, it has to be a good prank. 

Blitzbok's player Chris Dry is definitely the team's funny guy and prank master. If he is not pulling a few fast one's on his fellow teammates, he is always finding the humour in every situation. 

We gave him the opportunity to put his talents to the test. Apart from being the host of the drive time show on Jacaranda FM, Martin Betser is also on the line-up for this Saturday's 'Jacaranda Day'. 

Impersonating Jack Parow, an impersonation he does pretty well, Dry gave Bester a call earlier today to ask him why he is not on the Jacaranda Day line-up. 

It was hilarious! 

What did you think of Chris Dry's prank? 

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