helping an inspirational gymnastics teacher to restore his hearing and balance

GMA: Helping an Inspirational Gymnastics Teacher Restore his Hearing & Balance

Waldo Cottle is 31-year old, a gymnastics teacher. He has always taken great care of his body, practiced as a passion and eventually achieved Springbok colors in gymnastics - representing South Africa abroad. In June last year, Waldo woke up in the middle of the night. Upon waking up, he knew something was seriously wrong. He was rushed to the hospital, fearing that he was suffering a stroke. After tests at hospital, they got the news. Waldo had a cancerous tumor on the brain measuring 7 cm.

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To celebrate World Hearing Day  ... helping an inspirational gymnastics teacher to restore his hearing and balance 

REQUEST FROM: Mildred Anthony

REQUEST FOR: Waldo Cottle and Tanja Wicks

ANGEL: Nic Klopper. CEO Hear ZA

SPONSORING: Hearing tests and hearing aid for Waldo Cottle valued at more than R20 000 

BACKGROUND: Waldo Cottle is 31-year old, a gymnastics teacher and a picture of health. He has always taken great care of his body, practiced as a passion and eventually achieved Springbok colors in gymnastics - representing South Africa abroad. In June last year, Waldo woke up his fiance in the middle of the night ... he knew something was seriously wrong. She rushed him to hospital, fearing that he was suffering a stroke. After tests at hospital, they got the news: Waldo had a cancerous tumor on the brain measuring 7 cm. The tumor is still there - and has shrunk to 5 cm - and for now, that's how it is going to stay. However, the tumor has caused pressure and he has lost the hearing in his left ear ... and with it his balance, which is vital for a gymnast. 


Good morning

I got your details from Nataniël’s producer, Nikki Swart and need your help please.

I am writing on behalf of Hear ZA which is a fairly new organisation in South Africa. We would like to do something special on World Hearing Day on the 3rd of March and would like to donate some hearing aids to a person  in need via Good Morning Angels to commemorate this day and also to launch Hear ZA.

I would appreciate if you could please guide me to the correct person to chat to in this regard.


Andries van Wyngaard 

Business Unit Director

Penquin (Pty) Ltd 

Waldo GMA


To whom it may concern


I am  writing this mail on behalf of a lady that I know and her name is Tanya Wicks. Her finance has been diagnosed with brain cancer which has left him hearing impaired and imbalanced. He is in need of hearing aids.I will be so grateful if this request could be taken into consideration as I think that the guy is deserving of this.

Thank you for the great work that you are doing  for and among our people.




Mildred Anthony    

Middag Dianne,


Waldo is 'n 31-jarige jongman gebore 31 Maart 1984. Hy was 'n kranige gimnas in sy skool are sowel as na skool. Hy het vele kompetisies bygewoon nationaal sowel as Internationaal, medaljees ingepalm en selfs Springbok status bereik. Hy het veral uitgeblink in ring-gimnastiek: Artisties.

Daarby is dit dan ook vandag sy beroep en steeds sy passie. Hy is 'n gimnastiek-afrigter hier in die hartjie van die Wes-Rand (Roodepoort) by 'n Klub genaamd "Visions Gymnastics" en volg steeds vandag sy passie na deur kinders af te rig in gimnastiek van verskillende ouderdomsgroepe van jou heel kleintjies tot by die groter kinders.

Waldo was 'n gesonde jong man tot  17 Junie 2015, toe sy lewe seker veraltyd verander het.

Waldo het my wakker gemaak en gesê iets groots is fout. Ek, met my mediese agtergrond het dadelik agv sy simptome vermoed hy kry 'n beroerte, maar die hospitaal het ons toe op nog erger voorberei. Die MRI skandering het getoon dat Waldo 'n gewas het +/- 7cm groot aan sy linker temporale lob. Na vele toetse en 'n biopsy was dit bevestig Waldo het die groot K. (Breinkanker tussen fase 2-3.

Waldo was daarna behandel met radiologie en so twee maande later het ons wel goeie nuus ontvang dat die gewas gekrimp het met 2cm. Januarie dié jaar is hy vir nog 'n skandering. Op die oomblik staan die gewas stil, so verdere behandeling word nie toegepas tot dit wel sou nodig wees nie.

Die gevolg hiervan is dat die breingewas sy linker oor heeltemal toedruk (inticranial pressure) en doofheid veroorsaak het. Die dokters het bevestig dat Waldo middel-oor doof is - vlak 4 op die toetse wat hulle doen wat doof geklasifiseer. Ook so dat hy sy gesig moet draai om te hoor en dat dit natuurlik sy balans beinvloed en daarom die groot nood vir die gehoorstuk.

Alhoewel dit alles so groot skok was, weier Waldo egter om te gaan lê en werk en oefen steeds elke dag en probeer normaal aangaan ongeag van sy situasie. Hy is so 'n groot inspirasie vir soveel mense daarbuite wat dalk moed verloor met hul stryd of dit nou die kanker of doofheid is. Waldo weier egter om moed te verloor of om te gaan lê a.g.v sy omstandighede. En is baie baie positief!

Waldo word gelief deur soveel mense, sy familie, sy vriende, die kinders by die werk, sy ouers van die kinders wat hy afrig en selfs die gemeenskap. 

'n Gehoorstuk en hulp om Waldo weer te help hoor sal soveel vir hom beteken, want dit is elke klein tree wat hom vat na die Groter pad van genesing. Ons glo in sy volle genesing. Ons vertrou en glo in 'n Groter Hand wat hom dra!

Dianne ek hoop dat dit jou ook inspireer soos vir baie ander. 

Hoop ons ontmoet gou! :)

Baie groete en Liefde!

Tanja en Waldo

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