Good Morning Angels (Anita Pelzer)

Good Morning Angels (Anita Pelzer)

Miss SA, Rolene Strauss helps a husband who is desperate to help his wife


Request from:

Johan Pelzer 


Request for:

Anita Pelzer 



Rolene Strauss, Miss South Africa 2014 



Rolene will donate R25 000,00 for her Miss SA fund for "Random acts of kindness" towards Anita's dental surgery



Johan and Anita Pelzer both lost their jobs some time ago ... as expected, life has been difficult and they had to cancel their medical aid. Four years ago, Anita had to go to a state hospital for treatment to her throat and that's when her agony started. She contracted Osteo Mellitus - which infected her lower jaw, resulted in her loosing her bottom teeth and some jawbone. Johan took out a loan to pay for her dental surgery - which did not last - as there was too little bone left in her lower jaw for the screws to attach. After much cost and pain, Anita has an opportunity to get the corrective surgery at a lower cost, but still too high for her and Johan to afford.



Original request

To whom it may concern:

It is after a very long time and a lot of courage to put my hand to paper. My wife and myself were retrenched and to be able to survive with the income we get, we had no choice other than to cancel our medical aid.

My wife Anita, is the one I am writing about. Her agony started plus minus 4 years ago after she went to a State Hospital for a biopsy of her throat. Within days she had abscesses on her bottom gum. She went to a dentist who gave her some courses of antibiotics. This was in vain. Eventually she ended up at the Dental Hospital in Pretoria where they extracted all her bottom teeth. They then discovered that she had Osteo mellitus. This, according to a doctor can only be transferred in a theatre. The result of this was that she lost part of her jawbone. I took a loan (which I still battle to pay off) to help my wife getting the treatment. We had to pay for 2 Titanium screws and caps as well as for the temporary dentures (R28,000). I still owe money on this.

After a few months, the one Titanium screw broke out of the jawbone because there is not enough bone left to secure the screws. She is in constant pain. After some prayers and asking God for a way to get her back on track being able to eat and speak and smile properly, the breakthrough came. She was phoned by the Dental Hospital to come and see them. Here she was told that they will do the bone transplant and insert the Titanium screws but we must pay for the screws and the dentures. The 3 screws came to an amount of R7500 ( special rate for us ). The dentures we must still get a quote. We must pay for these ourselves.

Seeing that our prayers were answered to get it done, we now put this in writing to see if we can be assisted with this matter and get her dignity back. 

Should you, the organization or any person be able to assist, it would be highly appreciated and we will be forever be thankful for this.

May you be blessed in what you do.


Johan Pelzer








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