How to get hired the TCB way

How to get hired the TCB way

Natalie Mayhew, director of Talent Check Consulting, Marc Lottering, Nick Bester and Bruce Fordyce tell 19-year old Hendrik Grobelaar how to prepare for an interview. Get their top tips and interview icebreakers here. 

Hendrik Grobelaar gets his job

Do you remember your first grown up job and how nerve-racking that first interview was for you?


19-year old Tuks student and avid runner Hendrik Grobelaar set off to face his first job interview this morning. He secured the interview for an in store salesman vacancy at Runaway Sport in Lynwood Pretoria who specialize in shoes for any kind of runner.


Hendrik has been a runner since Grade 2, however, no matter how well you personally understand your field of expertise, an interview can intimidate the most confident of people.


After The Complimentary Breakfast sifted through the messages received about big news happening in the lives of their listeners, they decided to focus on helping the young man get his first job by calling upon some big names to give him advice and the vote of confidence he needed to nail the interview.


This is what Hendrik told us in his email:

Friday is a very big day for me, seeing that I will be going for my first job interview. I'm currently studying and my parents cannot always support me and my two sisters financially. So I am really stressed out,  as the job will take a lot of pressure off of them. It is only a part time job, but every bit helps and it will pay my train fares to and from the school and my books.


Listen to what Natalie Mayhew, director of Talent Check Consulting, Marc Lottering, Nick Bester and Bruce Fordyce had to say about how to prepare for an interview here:



HE GOT THE JOB! Well done on nailing your first interview Hendrik Grobelaar and getting the sales job at Runaway Sport...

Posted by The Complimentary Breakfast on Thursday, August 20, 2015


In a nutshell:

  • Preparation is key: Research and familiarise yourself with the role that you are applying for
  • When asked that daunting question of ‘Tell me about yourself?’ - focus on what value YOU can add to the company, not what the company can do for you
  • And remember: Be confident, make eye contact and smile.





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