Knockout! MalJan gets punched by a psychiatrist

Knockout! MalJan gets punched by a psychiatrist

This morning we were joined by Dr. Danella Eliasov and she was invited to assess Rian's current state of mind as to why he always nasty and picks on Maljan. However, this is not entirely what happened throughout the show this morning. 

danella vs maljan

This morning definitely took a different turn and some would say for the better and some, like MalJan, would say for the worst. After inviting a psychiatrist into studio to assess Rian on the fact that he is usually so nasty and unfair towards Maljan, things went in a completely different direction.

Dr. Danella Eliasov is a specialist Psychiatrist at The Couch Practice of Psychology & Psychiatry and joined us this morning to evaluate Rian's current mental condition. 

After a short assessment, Danella revealed to us all that she has other talents, such as being an EFC fighter.

This is exactly when Rian got another idea in his head. He decided that Danella needed to prove to us that she is in actual fact an EFC fighter and as usual, MalJan was the dummy target.

Kitted out in their combat gear, MalJan took to the ring and faced the wrath of Dr. Danella Eliasov as she threw a couple of punches. Yikes!

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