South Africa's fussiest bachelor is going on a date!

South Africa's fussiest bachelor is going on a date!

Rudi Pieters is one man that just cannot seem to find a partner. After many dates, as in hundreds of dates he still hasn't found one woman that tickles his fancy. Over 1200 women have called out to him and he still cannot seem to find the one that makes his heart melt.

rudie pieters date

It seems pretty hard to believe that after going on more than 100 dates, Rudi can't seem to find a partner. After starting up a Facebook page and posting numerous videos asking for a date, Rudi still couldn't manage to win over a lady. 

We asked Rudi to join us this morning and we had another plan up our sleeves. We asked Rudi what his favourite number is and we would take that specific caller to go on a date with him. He picked number and five and with that said, caller number five agreed to go on a date with him. 

Take a listen to what went down on air this morning when Rudi spoke to Rian. 

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