TCB's Thabiso Khambule is a music video star!

TCB's Thabiso Khambule is a music video star!

If he isn't DJing or heating up the airwaves in the morning he is... acting!

thabiso music video image

Traffic presenter, Thabiso Khambule, or how we like to call him 'Lallie', has now officially been featured in a music video. 

Khambule can be seen acting up a storm in South African artist Marulaboom's latest music video for their song 'Booze Cruise'. In the video, Khambule playfully finds himself getting up to no good, spying on girls, and fooling around with his co-star. 

Much like the song's title, the video is centered around some boys organising a booze cruise, which is not your typical cruise. It's more like a bakkie booze cruise! 

Watch the hilarious video below:

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