Unbelievable moment couple fights on runway while boarding plane

Unbelievable moment couple fights on runway while boarding plane

This is definitely not the type of 'send off' you would want before hopping on a plane...

fight plane runway image

Usually, one would be excited to hop onto a plane, especially if you are on your way to your holiday destination? 

Footage has emerged showing a husband and wife getting into a scuffle on the runway while boarding a plane. In the video, the couple can be seen arguing when the two become physical and start to push each other. 

The man pins the woman to the ground and she can be seen clinging to his leg while trying to break free. For some bizarre reason, the man loses his top during the scuffle. The couple delayed the flight by 30 minutes. The incident took place at Kunming Airport in Yunnan province ahead of a China Eastern Airlines flight to Chengdu, Sichuan province. 

Police said the couple were severely criticised for their behaviour, which violated airport safety, and offered them counselling before releasing them without charge. Yikes! 

Watch the scuffle below:

Have you ever fought in a public space? 

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