Will this new ad curb drunk driving?

Will this new ad curb drunk driving?

The Western Cape government launched their brand new road safety campaign aimed at curbing drunk driving.

drinking & driving advert

The video that was uploaded to YouTube in April, sees a group of men attempting to head off in a vehicle after drinking heavily, but no one gets into the driver seat.

A member of the group asks who's driving to which another responds with: The cops are everywhere and I don't want to be breathalysed."

According to the YouTube post you are three times more likely to die in a car crash than be shot dead if you live in the Western Cape.

"Our police have breathalysers that can measure how much you've been drinking and we will put you in jail if you are over the limit. The limit is very small. Don't be dof. Alcohol and roads don't mix. My bra," the post reads.

Do you think the ad will curb drunken driving?

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